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WIN Gives Chetna a Reason to Smile Again

Updated: Sep 20

Women in Need have made a difference to Chetna's life

Chetna’s story is a familiar one of betrayal and suffering. In India, women who’ve supported their families and provided children can find themselves abandoned in their moment of need. If they become sick, the family will often choose to remove them rather than pay for their treatment. And it’s easy to do this; women are taken from their homes, some in critical conditions, and left on the streets. There they remain with none noticing or questing their circumstances; except for those who wish to rape or steal from them. This scenario may seem unbelievable but WIN has encountered hundreds of women over the years who’ve suffered the same fate. Those we rescue are the lucky ones because there must be countless others who never receive help.

18 months ago, 28 year old Chetna was rescued from the streets by the charity near the village of Paunar. Following the birth of her second child she developed Post Natal Depression. When her mental health deteriorated her husband and in laws forced her out of the home and for 3 years she was homeless. During this time Chetna was exposed to extreme weather conditions, disease and rape, which resulted in her suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Chetna before Women in Need's help

Once in our care and receiving treatment Chetna still had to contend with the distressing symptoms of depression and PTSD, which can take a long time to ease. Though for a year Chetna struggled to communicate and interact with others, today she’s making tremendous progress. Chetna helps with cooking meals for the other women at WIN’s shelter, has made friends and gained much more confidence. The charity is helping her to find employment in the local community as well as gaining access to her children.

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